AIPW_nuis class for users to manually input nuisance functions (estimates from the exposure and the outcome models)


AIPW_nuis object


Create an AIPW_nuis object that uses users' input nuisance functions from the exposure model \(P(A| W)\), and the outcome models \(P(Y| do(A=0), W)\) and \(P(Y| do(A=1), W.Q)\): $$ \psi(a) = E{[ I(A=a) / P(A=a|W) ] * [Y-P(Y=1|A,W)] + P(Y=1| do(A=a),W) } $$ Note: If outcome is missing, replace (A=a) with (A=a, observed=1) when estimating the propensity scores.


AIPW$new(Y = NULL, A = NULL, tmle_fit = NULL, verbose = TRUE)

Constructor Arguments

YIntegerA vector of outcome (binary (0, 1) or continuous)
AIntegerA vector of binary exposure (0 or 1)
mu0NumericUser input of \(P(Y=1| do(A = 0),W_Q)\)
mu1NumericUser input of \(P(Y=1| do(A = 1),W_Q)\)
raw_p_scoreNumericUser input of \(P(A=a|W_g)\)
verboseLogicalWhether to print the result (Default = TRUE)
stratified_fittedLogicalWhether mu0 & mu1 was estimated only using A=0 & A=1 (Default = FALSE)

Public Methods

summary()Summary of the average treatment effects from AIPWsummary.AIPW_base
plot.p_score()Plot the propensity scores by exposure statusplot.p_score
plot.ip_weights()Plot the inverse probability weights using truncated propensity scoresplot.ip_weights

Public Variables

VariableGenerated byReturn
nConstructorNumber of observations
obs_estConstructorComponents calculating average causal effects
estimatessummary()A list of Risk difference, risk ratio, odds ratio
resultsummary()A matrix contains RD, ATT, ATC, RR and OR with their SE and 95%CI
g.plotplot.p_score()A density plot of propensity scores by exposure status
ip_weights.plotplot.ip_weights()A box plot of inverse probability weights

Public Variable Details


An indicator for whether the outcome model is fitted stratified by exposure status in thefit() method. Only when using stratified_fit() to turn on stratified_fit = TRUE, summary outputs average treatment effects among the treated and the controls.


This list includes propensity scores (p_score), counterfactual predictions (mu, mu1 & mu0) and efficient influence functions (aipw_eif1 & aipw_eif0)


This plot is generated by ggplot2::geom_density


This plot uses truncated propensity scores stratified by exposure status (ggplot2::geom_boxplot)